EARMA has the following events coming up:
- The call fo
r topics to present at the Bologna Conference (27-29 March 2019) is currently open: http://www.earmaconference.com/call-for-topics/abstract-submission/
- (4-10y of experience) The Certificate in Research Management will launch a new cohort on 7-9 October in Brussels in http://www.earma.org/earma-academy/certificate-in-research-management/course-units/ This will involve 5 one day face-to-face modules spread over 2 short trips to Brussels and 1 to Bologna. The rest of the work and the assessment will be online.
- (0-4y of experience) We have will have an Early Stage Research Administrator Masterclass on 15-16 November 2018 in Brussels. http://earma.wildapricot.org/event-2967609
- EARMA has launched a group on Ethics and Research Integrity which will have a meeting on 8 November in Brussels. This is for Ethics and Integrity officers or specialist (this is about practice, not the research in these area’s) http://earma.wildapricot.org/event-2967663
Future events will be visible in the event calendar: http://www.earma.org/events/
Comments or question? Contact earma@earma.org