SCOPE – how you actually go about using metrics responsibly

We’ve got a shed load of principles now for responsible research metrics.

We have DORA, the Leiden Manifesto and the Metric Tide. We also have the many bespoke sets of principles being developed by individual organisations. And they’re great.

They provide a framework for evaluating responsibly which makes evaluators think and think again about their approaches. However, what they don’t provide is a how-to guide.

“INORMS Research Evaluation Working Group for evaluating responsibly” provide a model we’ve called ‘SCOPE’ on how you actually go about using metrics responsibly.

This model, as with all our work, is open to feedback to ensure it best serves the international communities we are a part of.

Please join the conversation on the INORMS Research Evaluation Working Group discussion list, or contact me (mail to: Tanja Strøm) or the authors of the blog post below directly with your thoughts.

We’d love to hear from you.

 Introducing SCOPE – a process for evaluating  responsibly


Published on behalf of Tanja Strøm, member of INORMS Research Evaluation Working Group, Vice-Chairman at NARMA and Senior Adviser, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University