Stikkord: 2018

Stikkordarkiv: 2018

NARMA vårkonferanse 2018 – Open Science

Velkommen til NARMAs 7. vårkonferanse, som finner sted 6. og 7. mars 2018 på Thon Hotel Arena, Lillestrøm.

Konferansen er fullbooket, og påmeldingen er stengt. Prisoversikt finnes nederst på siden.

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Tirsdag 6. mars 2018

9.00: Registrering

10.00-10.15: Velkommen ved NARMA-leder Heidi Annette Espedal (UiB). Presentasjon av Slido – konferanseverktøy.

10.15-13.00 Innledende plenum: Open Science

The overall topic of this year’s conference is Open Science, – as this is one of the key policy areas for universities and research institutions in Europe. In the ongoing discussions on FP9, tools and instruments to promote Open Science are also at the centre of attention.

Both in our plenary interventions and in most parallel sessions, different dimensions of Open Science will be discussed during the conference.

The goals set for Open Science can be achieved through a collaborative effort between a large number of actors on several policy levels; from researchers and departments, through Universities and research institutions, to national governments and international actors. Not least, we do think that our common goals cannot be met without EU taking a leading role in setting the agenda, developing policies, unify forces and facilitating technical and organizational solutions.

Our key note speaker this year is Jean-François Dechamp, who works in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation as an Open Data Policy and Science Cloud Policy Officer. He has for several years worked with developing policies for open access to scientific research results in the European Union. More recently, he has been contributing to the promotion of Open Science, in particular with an emphasis on copyright/licensing issues and on the evolution of scholarly publishing.

He joined the European Commission in 2005. Before that, he held various posts in Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and China, focusing on European affairs for the pharmaceutical industry, health advocacy and humanitarian aid. He holds a PhD in Pharmacy from the University of Strasbourg, France. Les videre