Stikkord: NUAS

Stikkordarkiv: NUAS

NUAS inviterer til Brussel-seminar om benchmarking av forskningsadministrative tjenester

Skal du på EARMA-konferansen i Brussel? Benytt anledningen til også å få med deg NUAS’ seminar om Benchmarking the quality and performance of research and innovation services – towards a Nordic modelSeminaret er finner sted 1mandag 16. april, mao rett i forkant av EARMA-konferansen slik at folk lett kan kombinere disse arrangementene.

Fra programmet:

The NUAS planning group on Research and Innovation has in the previous two years explored various possibilities on how to measure the quality and performance of research and innovation services of Nordic universities. A workshop was arranged in Reykjavik in December 2016, and resulting from this workshop, a set of benchmarking indicators came up. These have subsequently been tested by some of the participating institutions, and the preliminary findings of selected benchmarking pilots are ready for presentation. The focus of the coming seminar in Brussels in April 2018, will therefore be to put the insights to use and to take the final steps towards creating a Nordic model on benchmarking the quality and performance of research and innovation services.

Når: 16th of April 2018 at13:00-16:00, prior to the EARMA conference
Hvor: Copenhagen EU Office, Rue de Luxembourg 3, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Seminaret er gratis. Påmelding til: Sigridur Beck:

Mer informasjon om seminaret finner du i seminarprogrammet (pdf) og på NUAS sin nettside: