Stikkord: bok

Stikkordarkiv: bok

Research Management: Europe and Beyond – ny bok om forskingsadministrasjon

Boka, forfatta av Jan Andersen, Kristel Toom, Susi Poli og Pamela Miller, rettar seg i hovudsak mot forskingsadministrasjon, forskingsleiing og forskarar. Den tek føre seg det forskingsadministrative feltet gjennom mange ulike tema, med kapittel om blant anna forskingsstrategi, kunnskapsutveksling, etikk og integritet, det europeiske og det globale forskingsmiljøet. 


Her er litt frå Elseviers presentasjon av boka:
Research Management: Europe and Beyond addresses the myriad responsibilities related to research management and administration. The book incorporates narratives from those working in the field to provide insight into the profession. The book also offers a unique perspective on the topic by incorporating global perspectives to address the growing interdisciplinary nature of research collaboration.

The book outlines practical advice for those in the research management and administration profession at all levels of experience. It is also a useful tool that research institutions and research groups can use to assist in planning and streamlining their research support.

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