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Felles mål for forskningsadministrasjon: INORMS; the Hiroshima Statement

27/08/2021 - 31/08/2023
00:00 - 23:59

Hiroshima Statement 2021: a common goal to improve our local, national, and global research landscapes

Under INORMS internasjonale kongress i mai 2021 ble “the Hiroshima Statement”, med fem felles prinsipper og ansvarsområder for oss innen forskningsadministrasjon, signert av medlemmene av INORMS Council.

The International Network of Research Management Societies (INORMS) er et nettverk som samler forskningsadministrative nettverk fra hele verden. Målet er å tilrettelegge for samhandling og koordinere aktiviteter på tvers av nettverkene, samt å dele «best practice». En viktig hovedaktivitet er INORMS Congress som arrangeres annethvert år.

INORMS Council består av lederne for de ulike forskningsadministrasjonenes nettverk i INORMS. NARMA representeres av arbeidsutvalgets leder, Heidi A. Espedal.

Essential Practice of Research Management and Administration

INORMS enables interactions,sharing of good practice, and joint activities between the member societies worldwide,irrespective of their national political situation, to the benefit of their individual memberships.We all face similar challenges and aspire to a common goal: to improve our local, national, and global research landscapes. For this, we need a set of common principles, which are described in this Statement.

Principles and Responsibilities

  1. Collegiate: RMAs work in partnership with researchers and other professionals to add value to the research enterprise. They share information and best practice among the research community.
  2. Inclusive: RMAs value the diversity of individuals, skills, and experiences in their profession and support a culture which embraces equity, fairness and inclusivity.
  3. Professional: RMAs have a responsibility to develop their knowledge and skills, and to mentor and train future RMA professionals and researchers.
  4. Innovative: RMAs should be innovative, responsive and resilient to operate in a rapidly changing research environment.
  5. Accountable: RMAs should be aware of the external regulatory environment and should ensure effective policies and procedures are in place to support best practice and integrity in research.

Her finner du pdf av the Hiroshima Statement

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