INORMS – Internasjonalt

INORMS (International Network of Research Management Societies)

INORMS was formed in 2001 to bring together research management societies and associations from across the globe. Its purpose is to enable interactions, sharing of good practice and joint activities between the member societies, to the benefit of their individual memberships

Each member society has its own distinct remit, constitutions, membership and geographical base, but we each face similar issues.  The nature of research management and administration is changing and it is becoming more professional.  The economic and political imperatives and pressures are common across the globe. The network enables the officers of the member societies to compare their national or regional issues, and to learn from each other.  Through INORMS we are able to transfer training course structure and content, adopt comparable support mechanisms, and jointly develop training materials

INORMS Objectives:

  • To internationalise the body of knowledge on research management
  • To exchange best practice
  • To develop international approaches to supporting the research enterprise

Hiroshima Statement . a common goal to improve our local, national and global research landscapes

At the INORMS International Congress in May 2021, the Hiroshima Statement was formally signed by members of the INORMS Council. An initiative led by RMAN-J, the Research Manager and Administrator Network Japan, the Statement enshrines a set of 5 principles and responsibilities common to the collective memberships of INORMS member associations. Download pdf of the Hiroshima Statement

INORMS Council

The INORMS Council provides leadership for the network. The Council is chaired by the President/Chair of the Association hosting the immediate past INORMS Congress currently the Chair of RMAN-J (from June 2021 – May 2023). The Incoming Chair also provides Secretariat support for the Council over a two-year period. Broader membership of the Council is made up of the Chairs/Presidents of the Member Associations. The governance of the INORMS Council is underpinned by a set of Operating Principles which are reviewed annually by the Council. Heidi A. Espedal is NARMA’s representative in the council.

INORMS Working Group

The aim of the INORMs working group is to strengthen the value proposition of the INORMS global association and to add value to members and their associations beyond the biennial congress. The work include: • Provide advice, support and assistance to the INORMS Council in the implementation of the programs, projects, and events relevant to INORMS. Tanja Strøm, deputy chair in NARMA is a member of INORMS Working Group.

  • Provide oversight in the development, implementation, and sustainability of INORMS programs, projects, and events.
  • To increase the profile and influence of INORMS through effective communication and dissemination to stakeholders.
  • Support the development of new associations through the sharing of knowledge and good practice.
  • Identify the needs of INORMS members through regular surveys of both the profession and the associations.

INORMS Research Evaluation Group (REG)

The INORMS Research Evaluation Group (REG), previously known as REWG, was established in 2018 to consider how best to ensure that research evaluation is meaningful, responsible and effective.

Tanja Strøm from NARMA is Deputy Chair in REG.

To this end, group members representing the research management societies that make up INORMS have focussed their attention on two work-packages.

Group membership is via nomination from INORMS member organisations. Please contact your membership organisation in the first instance.

Anyone can join the wider INORMS REG community via the INORMS-RES-EVAL discussion list.

Research Administration as a Profession (RAAAP) Taskforce

Research Administration as a Profession (RAAAP) is an international survey which seeks to identify the key skills, attitudes and behaviours of successful research management and administration (RMA) leaders.

The Surveys

The RAAAP survey now comprises two main sections. One section of the survey is a streamlined version of the 2016 survey. This section is intended to remain the same longitudinally.  The other section of the survey focuses on a specific area of interest, of particular relevance at the time – the focus of this section will change with each iteration of the survey.

A RAAAP-3 questionnaire has been developed with the intention of surveying again in 2022 (to keep a 3-year periodicity). This time the focus will be on “How I became a research manager and administrator” – HIBARMA.

  • RAAAP-2 (2019): The second iteration of the RAAAP survey (RAAAP-2) was launched on 1 October 2019. The ‘guest’ section of the survey focused on “Research Impact”.
  • RAAAP (2016):  The first iteration of the RAAAP survey attracted responses from over 2,600 individuals from 64 countries.  The survey’s findings were presented at RM and INORMS conferences between 2016 and 2018.